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Mind Map of Global Civilizational Collapse

Explores the possibility of a comprehensible map of intangible governance challenges.

Mind Map of Global Civilizational Collapse
Two-D projection: Exemplifying the nature of cognitive flatland
Three-D projection: Global configuration of incompatible uprightness
Three-D projection: Embodying disintegrative dynamics as fundamental to integrative design
Enabling comprehensible global configuration of concept maps
Global configuration of insights from "flat-pack" conventional system mapping

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Produced on the occasion of the release of a map of a massive cosmic galactic collision 11 million light years from Earth
-- and ungovernable massive uprisings in the Mediterranean region on Earth, endangering the European and global economies


Is this the map of global civilizational collapse ? No it is not ! Although it might be.
Centaurus from Hubble
This is the latest image of the light elliptical galaxy Centaurus A. It is 11 million light years from Earth, and is visible to amateur astronomers. The unprecedented detail comes via the Wide Field Camera 3 of the Hubble Space Telescope -- combining images from multiple wavelengths (see enlargement; courtesy R. O'Connell of the University of Virginia and the WFC3 Scientific Oversight Committee, within the framework of NAASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage -- STScI/AURA -- ESA/Hubble Collaboration). It was released on 16 June 2011). At the centre of the galaxy is a massive black hole -- weighing 55 million times that of the Earth's Sun. The ejected particles release intense bursts of radio waves and x-ray radiation. Centaurus A is going through a galaxy collision by devouring a spiral galaxy.

Curiously, whilst science can produce awe-inspiring images of conditions 11 million light years away, it seems to be totally incapable of applying resources such as to generate sophisticated images of the condition on Earth. There is no "Hubble Earth Telescope" -- with a "Wide Field Camera 3" -- capable of mapping the conditions undermining global governance capacity. Many satellites of course orbit the Earth, but they are only capable of focusing on tangibles -- such as the contents of the backyards of the homes of people -- not their degree of despair nor whether they rely on narcotic substances.

Science seemingly cannot detect and map intangible psychosocial factors which are inherent in the processes of global civilizational collapse. There is no single image to portray this collapse.

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